Comprehensive analysis portfolio
More than 40,000 medicinal products are approved in Germany, taking into account the different dosage forms and strengths. For every approved medicinal product, individual analysis procedures are authorised. As an OMCL, InphA must be able to test all these medicinal products. Therefore, InphA has a very comprehensive portfolio of the most diverse analytical techniques. Furthermore, InphA can also trace and identify unexpected ingredients in medicinal products.
In our laboratories, we perform the following analytical procedures, among others:
- Mass spectrometry (Ion Trap MSn, QTOF-HRMS)
- High performance liquid chromatography with diverse detection possibilities (diode-array, UV/VIS, refractive index, fluorescence and electrochemical detection, universally applicable aerosol detection [light scattering, NQAD], nitrogen sensitive chemiluminescence detection, mass spectrometric detection)
- Gas chromatography with different sample and detection possibilities (SSI, HS, FID, MS)
- Microbiological tests according to the guidelines of the European Pharmacopoeia (Sterility testing, microbial enumeration tests and test for specified microorganisms, bacterial endotoxins and microbiological assay)
- Dissolution using different devices (also online UV and online HPLC coupling, accessories for tests according to Ph.Eur. 2.9.3 and 2.9.4)
- UV-VIS spectrometry
- Thin layer chromatography
- Atomic absorption and atomic emission spectrometry
- FT infra red spectrometry with single reflex diamond ATR
- Capillary electrophoresis
- Gel electrophoresis
- Immunoblotting
- Coulometry
- Titrimetric procedures
- Osmometry
- Kjeldahl nitrogen assay
- Galenical tests (e.g. disintegration of tablets, capsules and suppositories, friability)
- Testing for particle contamination: visible and non-visible particles
- Bioassay on monoclonal antibodies