Testing for Aflatoxins
Application of an ELISA-test
Aflatoxins are toxic, carcinogenic substances, formed by various fungi. They can be formed for instance, if plant material is stored incorrectly. For some years, InphA has been using a process for determining the total aflatoxin content. For this, a method based on an ELISA was developed and validated.
The European Pharmacopoeia does not give threshold values for this test. For Germany, the threshold values result from the threshold values for the raw materials used for the production of medicinal products, taken from the German Aflatoxin Prohibition Regulation.
Tests offered
The threshold value for total aflatoxin content according to the German Aflatoxin Prohibition Regulation can be tested, using the method for the determination of total aflatoxin content established by InphA. The aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 are summarised using an ELISA method.
Testing material
The tests can be carried out on material of plant origin for pharmaceutical use and on teas.